Featured Project: Campfire

Featured Project: Campfire, a TTRPG that’s great for travel

Looking to get your tweens and teens into TTRPGs? Or looking for a camp-friendly game that’s bound to give you some excellent stories to tell around the fire? Go check out Campfire by Witch Pleas! This introduction to TTRPGs helps players and facilitators learn the game, comes with an educator toolkit, and even includes a carry-case to help for adventures in the wild!

TTRPG and D&D themed chapter books and graphic novels for tweens and teens

Looking for some interesting books to help get your tweens and teens into reading? Check out this list that’s all about chapter books and graphic novels (not game books) that feature RPG themes to tie into their other interests!

Review: Monster of the Week, a supernatural TTRPG to try with teens!

Monster of the Week is a TTRPG system that sets you up for supernatural mystery-solving shenanigans!  This TTRPG is recommeded for teens but, as I saw in the charity stream I played in last year, can easily be made PG, and is a great system for offering player choice.

Review of Tales from the Loop, a beautiful and haunting TTRPG for tweens, teens, and grown ups alike

Tales from the Loop is a TTRPG system and setting that focuses on tween to teen characters and how they balance life and the strange mysteries that take place in their hometown.  It’s a coming of age story set in the 80’s and is great for older kids and adults to both connect to the story and adventure that awaits.

Featured Project: The Deck of Player Safety

Safety tools are critical in TTRPGs, especially with youth who are learning where other player boundaries are and how to navigate what they themselves are feeling. To help with this, check out the Deck of Player Safety for an awesome tool that provides a clear and anonymous safety tool method for your games.

Featured Project: The Board Game Survival Kit!

The Board Game Survival Kit is an awesome way to make sure you always have game pieces that are your own, can replace missing pieces from a game, and or help show someone that you understand their flair! Check it out here before the KS ends and visit Atikin Games for more games and pieces after the crowdfund completes!
daddy rolled a 1 logo

Interview with Martin from the Daddy Rolled a 1 blog!

I’ve known Martin as DaddyRolleda1 on twitter for over a year now, and we’ve had chats about playing TTRPG’s with kids from the start – he was one of my inspirations for starting the TTRPGkids blog, and it was an awesome opportunity to get to sit down and chat about his experiences with table top role playing games, working with Wizards of the Coast, and introducing his daughter and her friends to D&D.
Princesses of the Pizza Parlor - part 1

Book review of Princesses of the Pizza Parlor, a story of tabletop RPGs, friendship, and running games for kids

Princesses of the Pizza Parlor by Maikel Yarimizu is the story of and uncle running a tabletop role playing game for his niece and her tween friends.  It’s a fun tale that follows their character’s adventures in the game… and the drama between the players outside of the game as they navigate their friendships.  I enjoyed the read, and I hope you and your kids do too!