Review of Tales from the Loop, a beautiful and haunting TTRPG for tweens, teens, and grown ups alike

Tales from the Loop is a TTRPG system and setting that focuses on tween to teen characters and how they balance life and the strange mysteries that take place in their hometown.  It’s a coming of age story set in the 80’s and is great for older kids and adults to both connect to the story and adventure that awaits.

Review: Coven of Cats, a D&D 5e compatible TTRPG adventure

Coven of Cats is a D&D 5e compatible adventure that’s great for any age where you play as magical cats who have joined together to study the arcane arts and solve a mystery that’s plaguing the other cats in town.  It comes with everything you need to play, is wonderfully illustrated, and is purrfect for some cat-themed TTRPG fun!

Review of Kittens & Dragons a CYOA and search-and-find game for kids!

Kittens & Dragons from Van Ryder Games is a graphic novel choose-your-own-adventure (CYOA) style story that uses search-and-find mechanics instead of dice!  It’s great for running solo or with your kids for a good read, a fun game, and a wonderful adventure!

Review: Paris Gondo – The Life-Saving Magic of Inventorying

Paris Gondo – The Life Saving Magic of Inventorying is a wonderful twist on the trope of inventory management in tabletop RPGs.  It builds everything – your stats, your individual and group success, and even your character’s life fulfillment – out of the loot that you choose to carry with you.

Review for Cozy Companion vol 3: All Things Nautical

Cozy Companion is a magazine from Snowbright Studio that includes TTRPG adventures, project features, and activities for all ages (kids and adults can both enjoy) that all revolve around a particular theme for each issue!  This review is for Cozy Companion volume 3: All Things Nautical!  

Review of Time Tails RPG (and Cozy Companion magazine)

Time Tails is a time-travel themed TTRPG that was featured in Snowbright’s game and fiction magazine, Cozy Companion, which dives into world lore, all-ages activities, and educational themes that are great for kids and adults alike!  Check out Time Tails RPG here and get a bit of an extra peek of what’s up with Cozy Companion!

Review: ArithMagine, a numeracy practice TTRPG system

ArithMagine is a TTRPG system, made to pair with Stories RPG, for practicing numeracy skills!  It’s a fun ruleset for playing with math in a dynamic and creative way that connects with the story that you make together.  It’s also easy to fit into a class or school program with its rules-lite set up and flexibility to fit with any adventure.

Review of Let’s Roll: A Guide to Setting up Tabletop Role-Playing Games in your School or Public Library

Let’s Roll is a guide for librarians to introduce youth tabletop RPG groups in their communities and schools!  This book is written by a librarian for librarians and explains everything from how to propose a program to what TTRPGs you should try with your group to how to run your first game.  Check it out for tips, case study examples, and more!