Review of What’s Popping Fellow Kids, a cringy game about fitting in

What’s Popping Fellow Kids is a TTRPG that puts the kid in the GM seat as the adult, playing a cryptid, tries to fit in at school!  It’s a great way to learn about your kid’s day and have some fun giving your child a chance to run the scene!

Review of The Library Game, an adventure for learning about libraries!

The Library Game by Open Story Games is a TTRPG/LARP where players learn about library organization while acting as researchers trying to prepare for a catastrophe that’s about to befall the building! Collect magical words for creating your solution before time runs out!

TTRPGkids on Ludology Podcast, Episode 6: Keeping Kids’ Focus at the Game Table

In this episode of TTRPGkids on Ludology Podcast, I give tips and tricks on how to help keep kids focused at the TTRPG table in a fun an meaningful way that encourages them to participate and engage because they want to!
The Good Enough TTRPG session - TTRPGkids

TTRPGs for kids: The “Good Enough” session

I have read about, received messages from, and talked with several families and educators who are hesitant to start TTRPGs with their kids because they’re stressed about getting all the steps right.

While some concern is great (because it means that you’re thinking about it and trying to do well for the kids), it is also sometimes better to have a “good enough” session that actually happens versus a “perfect” session that stays in the planning phase.