Check out this craft for using spare boxes to make a creature-themed dice holder or roller! It uses minimal materials, and it’s customizable to the creature that your kid picks.
In this tips and tricks post, I’m going to show an easy way to help with area of effect zones in tabletop RPGs using a very simple kid-friendly craft! I also show how you can use these to teach key concepts to young kids, like counting by fives, what a radius is, and understanding diagonals while also getting into how to level this up for higher concepts (i.e. using different shapes or teaching volume/circumference).
See how to make DIY dungeon tiles using materials at home to create custom and reusable map pieces – they’re easy to make, and I even did them with my 5yo!
This article covers how you can easily make a short zine or booklet prop (like a menu for a restaurant in your game or a notebook for a bard) with kids using standard printer paper and supplies at home.
Check out how we made a dice tower with our clickable building bricks from scratch during this year’s (many) snow days, which includes features from the kiddo ranging from a mini volcano to a “teleporter portal” sky door!
I’ve seen a few pictures of dice roller potion bottles, and wanted to give it a try with our own spin on making it as accessible as possible! Check out these two versions, one using leftover materials from home and glue and the other using only materials from the dollar store!
My kid will get VERY enthusiastic about rolling dice while we play and… half the time they end up across the room with the cat batting and chasing them under the couch. Here’s a few dice roller crafts that I’ve made with kiddo to help keep the dice on or near the table and help with tracking which ones to use!
Minis are awesome props to use when playing TTRPG’s, but there’s always some problems with bumping the board or potential for breaking them. Here are some alternative minis crafts and suggestions that can help you bring minis to the table and help engage your kids!
Kids too young for dice? Small children in the house and worried about them finding missing dice? Dice difficult to see or use? Here’s some options to help find some fun and easy alternatives!