Princesses of the Pizza Parlor - part 1

Book review of Princesses of the Pizza Parlor, a story of tabletop RPGs, friendship, and running games for kids

Princesses of the Pizza Parlor by Maikel Yarimizu is the story of and uncle running a tabletop role playing game for his niece and her tween friends.  It’s a fun tale that follows their character’s adventures in the game… and the drama between the players outside of the game as they navigate their friendships.  I enjoyed the read, and I hope you and your kids do too!
felt, friendship, and feelings purple puppet

Review of Felt, Friendship, and Feelings, a tabletop RPG with a classic kids show vibe!

Felt, Friendship, and Feelings was a big hit with my 3yo (who loves Sesame Street and Fraggle Rock), and it gave us a really cool way to tell a story together with characters similar to the shows my kid loves.

TTRPGkids Featured Projects – Banda’s Grove: The Quantum Convergence of Campgrounds

Banda’s Grove is a community building camp adventure that encourages creativity, cooperation, and exploration! Please, check it out for an awesome journey with your kids, your family, and your friends.
Mages and Macrophages

Review Mages & Macrophages, a zombie tabletop game adventure by Ampersand RPG!

I got to try out Mages & Macrophages!  This is a FULL game kit that comes with everything needed (DM screen, minis, maps, dice, character sheets, item tokens, and more) to really just sit down and immediately start playing a game. PLUS it has 5e compatible simplified rules that took maybe 5 minutes to understand.  I was really excited to try this out, and I had a great time playing this with my family!
5e cheat sheets

TTRPGkids Featured Projects: Class Cheat Sheets for 5e

These cheat sheets look like a great way to help 5e players, new and experienced, and especially kids, to plan and understand their 5e characters – everything is laid out and explained on one sheet, with graphics to help with quickly identifying different sections! Check out the Kickstarter if you are thinking of trying out 5e with your kids!
Secret Nerd Podcast

Interview with Navaar, host of Secret Nerd Podcast about starting kids on tabletop RPGs

I had an awesome chat with Navaar, creator of Secret Nerd Podcast, a diverse interview show about different experiences with tabletop RPGs.  As a father of three toddlers, Navaar offered some great insight about concerns that parents may have when starting tabletop RPGs with their young kids and some great questions about next steps.  We were able to do a little bit of a reverse interview and hopefully address some of the, probably very common, considerations that parents, teachers, and caregivers make when starting to introduce tabletop RPGs to their children.
Disaster Hamsters 2 cover page

TTRPGkids Featured Projects: Disaster Hamsters 2!

Disaster Hamsters 2 is now on Kickstarter! Check it out for a kid-friendly 5e supplement where you play as a sentient hamster ready for adventure! Disaster Hamster 2 includes sidebar guides for non-violent problem solving, encourages teamwork, and is also just super cute – check the Kickstarter, and I hope you have fun!
Adorablins tin

Review of Adorablins, a cute goblin-themed tabletop RPG that fits in a tin!

I was very fortunate to play a pre-release copy of Adorablins, and had a great time using it to have some super cute, goblin-themed adventures diving through portals and rescuing everything from a cake to a missing cow across distant lands such as Dinosaur Island and New York City!