Check out here to see what my experience at GrandCon 9 was like AND get audio from the Our Family Plays Games x TTRPGkids talk on The Benefits of Family Gaming!
Cozy Companion is a magazine from Snowbright Studio that includes TTRPG adventures, project features, and activities for all ages (kids and adults can both enjoy) that all revolve around a particular theme for each issue! This review is for Cozy Companion volume 3: All Things Nautical!
Our Family Plays Games is a wonderful family who is sharing their love of gaming with the community and could use your help with their mission! Check out here for info on all of the work they’ve been doing and see how you can support!
In this episode of TTRPGkids on Ludology Podcast, I discuss how to create a TTRPG setting that fits the interests of young players! While these tips can be used for any age, they’re particularly important for using with youth who may have some pretty different fandoms and story preferences from grown ups who are running the game.
This episode of TTRPGkids on Ludology Podcast is all about using safety tools and setting ground rules in TTRPGs with kids – these tools are critical to making sure everyone feels comfortable and wants to come back to the game AND it’s important to make sure that young players can understand them and use the well.
This article has a whole bunch of ideas and examples for creating environmental challenges to try out in your games! I receive a lot of questions or comments about how to give more action-packed but non-violent encounters for young players, and environmental challenges are one of my favorite go-tos.
Tabletop Role-Playing Therapy by Dr. Megan Connell is a guide for clinicians looking to use TTRPGs with their clients. As a layperson, this was also an amazing exploration into why our regular, non-guided sessions and campaigns can feel therapeutic, and it has deepened my perspective on what TTRPGs can be – I hope you find it as engaging as I have!