With print-at-home booklets and pamphlets, rules-lite mechanics, prompt tables for ideas, and more… check out Stravagante! by Penflower Ink in the review here!
See how to make DIY dungeon tiles using materials at home to create custom and reusable map pieces – they’re easy to make, and I even did them with my 5yo!
Today’s review is of a 2-player fill-in-the-blank mystery tabletop RPG that promotes cooperation and planning as you take on cases with your sleuthing partner!
In this episode of TTRPGkids on Ludology Podcast, I talk about different ideas for incorporating educational elements into your tabletop RPGs for both in-class and at home!
Growing up on Nancy Drew mysteries (and many others), I was REALLY excited to hear about 9th Level Games’ latest Awesome World TTRPG, Nancy Druid! Check out my review here for the scoop!
This is a quick review of some of the AWESOME events, workshops, panels, and more that I got to check out at SXSW EDU 2024! See what’s up with EDU and games, and get a feel for what the convention is like!
Bringing in some wonderful Saturday morning mystery vibes, The Mystery Business sets you up for some cartoony fun and some whacky shenanigans with your friends as you find clues, trigger chase scenes, and meddle with the villains plans!
TTRPGkids is at SXSW EDU 2024 for 1:1 mentor sessions AND to give a talk on using TTRPGs to teach engineering skills! Find info on the TTRPGkids events, resources supporting the talk, and a general intro for those who are new to TTRPGkids!