This toolkit by TTRPGkids provides resources to creators so they can take their TTRPGs from being educational to being classroom ready using the templates and explanations included here.
In this episode of TTRPGkids on Ludology Podcast, I talk about how to run encounters for younger players AND how to expand your idea of what an encounter could be!
With a wider community acceptance of the idea that games provide players with benefits to skill development, many publishers are releasing educational TTRPGs. However, for these games to be widely accepted in a classroom setting and to actually be accessible to educators who are stretched on time and resources, it’s important to make sure that your game is not just educational but that it’s also classroom ready.
Precious Things is a tabletop RPG that fits into a folded zine to match the size of the little dragons that you’ll play as! Find small but precious treasures for your hoard and team up with fellow dragons to help each other create mighty piles of loot!
Read on to find out how I use TTRPGs to help my kid practice skills and why these games can be an excellent tool for approaching big discussions in a non-intimidating way for both you and your kid.
Learn from guest writer, Graham Gentz, about how to breakdown the RP part of TTRPG and make it a bit less intimidating for yourself to start facilitating a game for youth!
This review is for a short cozy prompt that can help you get ideas on where to grow your stories! Tested with one of kiddo’s storybooks and with one of my own reads, it helps to spark a conversation about what you’re reading and get you wondering about the story beyond what’s on the page.