Roll Dice Build Character cover page

Review of Roll Dice, Build Character, a tabletop RPG guide for parents

Roll Dice, Build Character by Mark Hasen covers the benefits of kids playing tabletop RPGs and discusses some of the concerns or questions that parents may have about the game too. This is a great read for anyone on the fence, just starting out, or trying to convince other parents to let their kids join the gaming table!
Dino Ninja tabletop roleplaying game cover

Dino Ninja – an action packed dino tabletop RPG for kids!

Dino Ninja was a fun and engaging game to play with my kid! It was easy for my child to connect with, and the mechanics were quick to pick up in the first game session. This is a great game for anyone looking for some dino tabletop top RPG action adventures!
purple tabletop RPG dice

Review of Warrior Princess, an adaptable TTRPG for imaginative kids

Warrior Princess is a tabletop RPG for kids where you balance your prowess as a warrior with your poise as a princess to take on some fun plot hooks! It has interesting mechanics and fun story suggestions that I enjoyed playing with my kid through multiple suggestions (he didn’t want to stop), and I hope you enjoy this game too!