Critical Core - a therapeutic and accessible tabletop RPG

Review of Critical Core, an accessible tabletop RPG focused on growth

Critical Core is a therapeutic tabletop RPG built off of D&D 5e mechanics! With its intuitive format, focus on social interactions, and clear facilitator guide, this is an awesome TTRPG and tool for players to have fun while building skills and for parents, educators, and facilitators to be able to smoothly provide a welcome gaming environment.

examples of toys and kitchen things used as game props for inventory

TTRPGkids Tips and Tricks: Tracking items and managing inventory in TTRPG’s with kids!

Remembering to use your items in game can be a challenge for kids or adults – here are some tips and tricks for keeping item tracking easy enough for kids to do on their and accessible enough that any player will remember to use their inventory!
purple tabletop RPG dice

Where to find: tabletop RPG and D&D inspired books for kids, families, and classrooms!

This list of books was made to help you find some TTRPG and D&D books and stories for the whole family that aren’t adventures to be played, but are adventures to be read so you can foster reading skills and connect with TTRPG’s in a whole new way!
Sodalitas RPG cover image

Review of Sodalitas, a tabletop RPG SRD for quick games with kids

Sodalitas is a tabletop RPG SRD that is designed for quick set up, easy comprehension, and fun gameplay with kids!  It is well-suited both for playing with kids at home or running short sessions with an after school group, and it pairs up with a full set of 1-page premade adventures!