Tips and Tricks: Making effective TTRPG system “Cheat Sheets” for your particular game

I’ve played, made, and/or written about over 100 different tabletop RPGs on TTRPGkids, and one thing that has very consistently made games easier for my kid and me between all of these projects is the inclusion of a cheat sheet or summary sheet. So, to help you with creating your own for a system you’re trying out or adding to a game you’re creating for others, I want to break down what makes a good TTRPG cheat sheet and why you should consider it!

Review of DanD Made Easy, D&D 5e Trackers and Tools

DanD Made Easy has tons of trackers that help all players, but are especially helpful for introducing new players to the game!  I’ve been chatting with Dan, the creator of DanD Made Easy, who provides his trackers and resources to youth TTRPG groups, and I wanted to showcase some of his work that that has helped me in my own games!

Interview with Nykki and Matt from Motley Kids

Nykki and Matt have been running Motley Kids, which brings kid-focused activities to conventions like Gen Con and Who’s Yer Con, for several years!  After going to their room at Gen Con 2023,  we set up this chat to talk about the importance of bringing activities for kids to conventions, their XP introducing their kids to the hobby, and some of their advice to make going to conventions with kids a little bit easier!
Using TTRPGs to get kids reading

Tips and Tricks: Using TTRPGs to get kids reading!

TTRPGs are a great way to get kids reading by giving them something FUN to check out and enjoy… while also happening to involve reading… and there’s a lot of ways to help that process along! I cover how to make reading within the game accessible, why TTRPGs help with developing an interest in reading, and how to get players to continue reading after the game!

Review: Monster of the Week, a supernatural TTRPG to try with teens!

Monster of the Week is a TTRPG system that sets you up for supernatural mystery-solving shenanigans!  This TTRPG is recommeded for teens but, as I saw in the charity stream I played in last year, can easily be made PG, and is a great system for offering player choice.

Review: Heckin’ Good Doggos, a TTRPG for canine escapades

Heckin’ Good Doggos is a TTRPG system and setting where you play as a pawsome pupper who is out for adventure with their pals!  Containing a base game and many variants, including modifications for superhero, sci-fi, and supernatural settings, this TTRPG is great for tagging into a ton of different interests and having a heckin’ good game.

Review of Tales from the Loop, a beautiful and haunting TTRPG for tweens, teens, and grown ups alike

Tales from the Loop is a TTRPG system and setting that focuses on tween to teen characters and how they balance life and the strange mysteries that take place in their hometown.  It’s a coming of age story set in the 80’s and is great for older kids and adults to both connect to the story and adventure that awaits.