Talk audio (Teaching Kids Core Life Skills with TTRPGs) from TTRPGkids at MC3 fall 2023

TTRPGkids made another appearance at Motor City Comic Con for their fall 2023 show and did a talk about Teaching Kids Core Life Skills with TTRPGs! Find the talk audio here in case you weren’t able to attend, and check out the resource list that supports points from the talk while you listen!

Review of The Library Game, an adventure for learning about libraries!

The Library Game by Open Story Games is a TTRPG/LARP where players learn about library organization while acting as researchers trying to prepare for a catastrophe that’s about to befall the building! Collect magical words for creating your solution before time runs out!

Crowdfundr’s 2024 Tabletop Non-Stop: register today and get ready for some awesome TTRPG projects!

TTRPGkids is an event partner for Crowdfundr’s upcoming Tabletop Non-Stop (TTNS) event! Check here to get registration details, and keep an eye out for a whole bunch of new TTRPG projects coming soon, which I’ll be helping to highlight through TTRPGkids!