Join Vahid Qualls and me as we chat about tailoring TTRPG APs to youth audiences, Vahid’s lifelong experience with D&D, and an awesome new AP made with all-ages in mind!
Dr. Emily Friedman’s XP connects 18th Century Literature with tabletop RPG actual plays with teach future teachers about tabletop games and more! She shares her knowledge and stories with us here, and I hope you enjoy our chat!
Check out my chat with John from Heroes Wanted, an online D&D and Minecraft program for kiddos about what he’s seen facilitating groups for young players, how Heroes Wanted helps players stay safe during the game, and so much more of his own XP to share and help you level up in your own games!
Wondering what goes into making an intentionally educational TTRPG? Get advice from an ED TTRPG designer! Learn from Deb Fuller’s XP from making and using ED games during our interview here for some great tips, best practices, and goals to consider when creating applied TTRPGs.
I had the opportunity to chat with RP Deshaies about his experience with game design, what “rules bright” mechanics are, and how this way of looking at mechanics makes games special, especially for young players. It was great getting to talk with RP, and I hope you enjoy our conversation!
Garrett Munro is an instructor with fifteen years of educational TTRPG experience, and he is also one of the founders of TabletopEDU, a non-profit aimed at providing educators with TTRPG materials for their classes and programs. Check out hear to learn from Garrett’s backstory, XP, and wisdom!
Today’s chat is with Austin Baker, creator of “Lieberstein Living Museum”, and educational TTRPG/LARP that has been used with college students! I was really excited to meet another TTRPG college professor, and he’s got a great game to share with everyone along with some wonderful experiences and insights about TTRPGs and EDU.
Last year, I interviewed my kiddo, who is my main player for trying out games and helping me learn about TTRPGs for younglings! This is an update interview to see how his responses have changed and share a bit more of our journey with you all.
While at SXSW, I had the awesome opportunity to chat with Kade Wells, a D&D teacher who has been using the game in classrooms for 10 years! Find our talk here where Kade shares his XP on the whys, hows, and whens of where to start!
While at SXSW EDU 2024, I had the amazing opportunity to meet and talk with Shelly Mazzanoble about D&D in the classroom! Check out our chat here to learn about Shelly’s XP at Wizards of the Coast and see what educational resources she’s been part of making!!