Resgister to support libraries! International Games Month 2025

Register to support libraries during International Games Month 2025

Sponsor registration is currently open for The American Library Association’s Games & Gaming Roundtable International Games Month 2025! If you’re a TTRPG creator, providing copies of your game to libraries can help bolster resources available to the public AND get your name out there to audiences you might not normally reach!
Review of Spellbinders Book 1 The Not-So-Chosen One

Review of Spellbinders Book 1: The Not-So-Chosen One

If you’ve ever imagined what it would be like if you could be in one of your TTRPG worlds… check out Spellbinders! This chapter book for ages 8-12 is a fun quest into fantastic worlds full of prophecies, personal growth, and flying narwhals that blast lightning, and I hope you enjoy the review below!
Review of Penelope Half-Pint Makes a Friend

Review of Penelope Half-Pint Makes a Friend

Penelope Half-Pint Makes a Friend is a children’s picture and storybook about Penelope Half-Pint, a character who you may recognize from the Heroes of the Vale D&D show and from the Idle Champions game! It’s written by Penelope’s creator and actor, Hope LeVelle, and it comes with a great message about meeting others with an open heart.

TTRPG and D&D themed chapter books and graphic novels for tweens and teens

Looking for some interesting books to help get your tweens and teens into reading? Check out this list that’s all about chapter books and graphic novels (not game books) that feature RPG themes to tie into their other interests!

Review of The Library Game, an adventure for learning about libraries!

The Library Game by Open Story Games is a TTRPG/LARP where players learn about library organization while acting as researchers trying to prepare for a catastrophe that’s about to befall the building! Collect magical words for creating your solution before time runs out!
Using TTRPGs to get kids reading

Tips and Tricks: Using TTRPGs to get kids reading!

TTRPGs are a great way to get kids reading by giving them something FUN to check out and enjoy… while also happening to involve reading… and there’s a lot of ways to help that process along! I cover how to make reading within the game accessible, why TTRPGs help with developing an interest in reading, and how to get players to continue reading after the game!