Help us get our EDU TTRPG talks at SXSW EDU!

Earlier this year, I was part of a group of awesome educators and presenters who brought two events EDU TTRPG events to SXSW EDU. We now have four proposals in for this year and need your help voting to get them approved AND to help get more educators interested in and informed about using TTRPGs in class!

Review: ArithMagine, a numeracy practice TTRPG system

ArithMagine is a TTRPG system, made to pair with Stories RPG, for practicing numeracy skills!  It’s a fun ruleset for playing with math in a dynamic and creative way that connects with the story that you make together.  It’s also easy to fit into a class or school program with its rules-lite set up and flexibility to fit with any adventure.
Starsworn cover page

Featured project: STARSWORN, Teaching Literacy Through Games!

I am excited to share with you info on the Starsworn kickstarter!! I’ve played Starsworn with my kid several times and LOVED it – am I happy to see it kickstarting for a physical copy… and doing so well! Find out more info here and check out the kickstarter while you can!!
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TTRPGkids game review: Starsworn Chapter 3

I played Starsworn Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 last year with kiddo, and we had a lot of fun together! Now, we’ve tried out Chapter 3, which is an awesome magical school adventure, and had all kinds of fun learning to use our character’s powers (and introducing the Luck of Legends drama clock)!
Luck of Legends banner

Tips and Tricks: How to teach with games – kids 7-13 by Michael Low from Luck of Legends!

I had the awesome opportunity to partner with Michael Low from Luck of Legends on a dual article release! We are releasing our articles on each other’s sites to help share our experiences, provide some tips and tricks for playing with different age ranges, and help you bring TTRPG’s to your kids.