Learn from guest writer, Graham Gentz, about how to breakdown the RP part of TTRPG and make it a bit less intimidating for yourself to start facilitating a game for youth!
This review is for a short cozy prompt that can help you get ideas on where to grow your stories! Tested with one of kiddo’s storybooks and with one of my own reads, it helps to spark a conversation about what you’re reading and get you wondering about the story beyond what’s on the page.
With print-at-home booklets and pamphlets, rules-lite mechanics, prompt tables for ideas, and more… check out Stravagante! by Penflower Ink in the review here!
See how to make DIY dungeon tiles using materials at home to create custom and reusable map pieces – they’re easy to make, and I even did them with my 5yo!
Today’s review is of a 2-player fill-in-the-blank mystery tabletop RPG that promotes cooperation and planning as you take on cases with your sleuthing partner!
In this episode of TTRPGkids on Ludology Podcast, I talk about different ideas for incorporating educational elements into your tabletop RPGs for both in-class and at home!
Growing up on Nancy Drew mysteries (and many others), I was REALLY excited to hear about 9th Level Games’ latest Awesome World TTRPG, Nancy Druid! Check out my review here for the scoop!