Check out this list of tabletop RPGs that have education as their core focus! From math and writing to science and SEL, these games cover a variety of skills that you can use in your classes or at home!
Whether you want to see what’s up with TTRPGs in education or you’re here from the convention and are looking for more info and resources, check out this page for your EDU TTRPG one stop shop!
Check out Stargems, a TTRPG built for kids as young as 4 years old to go on an amazing space adventure! With attention paid to details unique to playing TTRPGs for kids this looks like an awesome game for introducing new players to TTRPGs or enjoying with a group spanning a whole family of ages!
Running tabletop RPGs for all ages groups with a mix of both kids and adults can bring on its own challenges! To help with some tips and tricks to handle, Jason Campbell from Shadomain is here to help share his wisdom and XP!
The Board Game Survival Kit is an awesome way to make sure you always have game pieces that are your own, can replace missing pieces from a game, and or help show someone that you understand their flair! Check it out here before the KS ends and visit Atikin Games for more games and pieces after the crowdfund completes!