Princess Guard is a rules-lite TTRPG for ages 6+ that’s about being a princess (any kind of princess!) who goes on quests, saves the day, and has fun with their friends while doing it!
In July, Crowdfundr is holding a spotlight event for Kids and YA Content Creators, and TTRPGkids is partnering to help highlight kid-friendly TTRPGs during the event!
To help support site costs, convention fees, and my first zine print, I need YOUR help and am offering some cool rewards in return! Check it out here, and sign up for pre-launch!
As an engineer and engineering professor, I know how critical problem solving skills are for work, students, and just life in general…. and tabletop RPGs are a great way to hone and practice those skills in a very fun way that fosters a positive outlook when faced with a challenge! Read on for a discussion on problem solving skills, a fun example about a dragon lair heist, and how TTRPGs apply can help develop these skills through practice!
Howie from TI’TAINS attended Gary Con XV in-person to volunteer and distribute accessibility resource kits while also learning more about TTRPGs. Check out here for his recap of the in-person convention!
This list is all about games that are made either for large groups of players or for running with a whole classroom! Whether you have a birthday party of 10+ kids or a whole class of preschoolers, there’s something here to help!