How TTRPGs have helped my 5yo kid and me

How Tabletop RPGs have helped my 5yo kid and me

In 2021, I posted an article about how TTRPGs have helped my kid (then 3yo) and me.  At that time, we had been playing TTRPGs for about 6 months and had tried out 8 games.  Now, we’ve been playing TTRPGs for 2.5 years and have tried out close to 80 games together!  With that growth, I think it’s about time to give an update on how TTRPGs have continued to help both my kid and me.

2023 ENNIES voting live 7/14 – 7/23! Summary of TTRPGkids for Online Content nomination and summary of Family Games nominees

Check out here for info on TTRPGkids when considering your ENNIE vote, coverage of the family games category, and the link to the ENNIES voting page!

Featured project: Stories by Maikel Yarimizu

I’ve reviewed Princess of the Pizza Parlor, a series about a group of kids playing TTRPGs together with thier GM uncle, previously and loved the premise! Now, Michael (aka Maikel Yarimizu), is working on funding future writing projects with Princesses of the Pizza Parlor as part of the rewards!
Dungeons & Dragons & Daughters

Review: Dungeons & Dragons & Daughters, as written by Dan of Almost Bedtime Theater

Dungeons & Dragons & Daughters (D&D&D) is an actual play podcast featuring a father, his twin daughters, and a rotating guest playing through a campaign of Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition (D&D 5e). The first 20 game sessions, and their associated bonus episodes, are a fun way to introduce kids 8 and older to a more traditional way of playing D&D, with regular combat, iconic monsters, and yes, dungeons.

TTRPGkids on Ludology Podcast, Episode 2: What to do when kids go “villain mode”

In the second episode of TTRPGkids on Ludology Podcast, I chat about how a kid’s behavior in game can mean something totally different from what you’d expect and how to turn “villain” choices into something positive for later.