Using TTRPGs to teach resilience in life and in school

Resilience is a critical skill that affects how we handle life’s twists and turns, and, while it is important for adults to learn too, it is imperative that kids have the opportunity to pick up resilience skills to help them later in life, in handling their current school load, and more… And TTRPGs are an excellent way to practice handling failure and dealing with life’s nat 1’s.

Help us get our EDU TTRPG talks at SXSW EDU!

Earlier this year, I was part of a group of awesome educators and presenters who brought two events EDU TTRPG events to SXSW EDU. We now have four proposals in for this year and need your help voting to get them approved AND to help get more educators interested in and informed about using TTRPGs in class!

Featured Project: Lucky Newt Games Bundles of Fun!

I’ve featured Lucky Newt’s games on the site before and am happy to share that Lucky Newt is now running a campaign to support becoming an LLC! Please check it out and get a ton of awesome games to try with your kids while supporting the dream of an amazing person and creator.

TTRPGkids at GenCon Indy and GenCon Online recap (aka XP share)!

TTRPGkids ran a talk for GenCon Online 2023 along with Madth Productions, and I also went to GenCon Indy in-person because of the ENnies and to connect with creators who are making some awesome kid-friendly TTRPGs! Check out here for a summary of the events and my GenCon XP!

Review of Time Tails RPG (and Cozy Companion magazine)

Time Tails is a time-travel themed TTRPG that was featured in Snowbright’s game and fiction magazine, Cozy Companion, which dives into world lore, all-ages activities, and educational themes that are great for kids and adults alike!  Check out Time Tails RPG here and get a bit of an extra peek of what’s up with Cozy Companion!