TTRPGkids will be at SXSW EDU 2025! What to check out + resources for TTRPGxEDU
TTRPGkids is going to be at SXSW EDU for another year, but this time, in a bit of a different capacity! Check out the article here to see some talks and events of interest and find resources for TTRPG x EDU info if you’re finding the site for the first time!
TTRPGkids roles at SXSW EDU 2025
The past two years, I’ve been part of SXSW EDU as a presenter for a panel, workshop, solo talk, and mentor session… and this year, I’m going in as more of a supporter to help others have a voice! I’m on this year’s advisory board, having helped to currate what events are at the convention, and I’ll be leading a meet-and-greet to give a space for gaming educators to say hello and find others in their field!
This means that I’m a little more free to check out different talks, conduct interviews, and connect with others (since I won’t be frantically practicing my presention for the 50th time before going on stage).
This also means that I can help others who are new to SXSW EDU (or who can’t attend but are curious) to get an overview of some cool events to check out!
Events of note at SXSW EDU 2025
There are A TON of awesome talks and workshops and keynote speakers at SXSW EDU, so, for this part, I’m going to highlight the ones that are focused on gaming and education… since that’s probably what you’re looking for if you’re on TTRPGkids, and then note a few others that I’m keeping an eye out for as well.
You can find my SXSW EDU 2025 schedule here, if you’d like to see some of the events (you may need to be logged in to view), and I’ll list a few below in case you can’t view it:
Talks/events on games x EDU:
- Gaming x EDU Meet Up (this one is led by me!!)
- Game Design Docs Are Better Than Class Lesson Plans
- Empowering Media Literacy Through Games
- An Adventurer’s Guide to Gamification
- School is a Badly Designed Game: RPGs for the Classroom (presented by none other than Michael Low!!)
- Games for Change Game Night
- Leveling Up: Game Design Pathways to College & Career
Other talks/events I’m excited for:
- Beneath the Mask: Autism in Education (two of the presenters, Andrew and Grant, are TTRPG x EDU therapists who I’ve met in person at Origins/Pax U – both very cool people)
- You Belong in Libraries (I am super excited to go to this talk with celebrity librarian, Mychal Threets!)
- Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth in Challenging Times
- Developing a Whole-School Approach to LGBTQ+ Inclusion
- Trans Teachers Talk Back
Resources for if you’re finding TTRPGkids for the first time
For those of you who I meet at SXSW EDU 2025 and want some more information about TTRPGs and education, here’s some resources to check out that can help you get started!
- TTRPGkids EDU section of the website
- Proposing a TTRPG for classroom use
- List of scholarly articles on TTRPGs x EDU
- Classroom Ready TTRPG Toolkit
- Intentionally educational TTRPGs
Contacting TTRPGkids about SXSW EDU 2025 or questions
If you’ll be at SXSW EDU 2025 and want to say hi, you have questions about how TTRPGs and EDU intersect, or would like to request a collab on a project, please see below!
Contact TTRPGkids: email (this email is checked on a weekly basis, so allow time for response)
Collaboration request, review requests, etc: read the descriptions and fill out the form here (this is checked every 2-4 weeks, so allow time for response; if the matter is time sensitive, please follow up with an email at the same time)
I’m looking forward to meeting some new folks at SXSW EDU 2025, and I’m excited to be see what new ideas everyone has!
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