Featured Project: Children With Wands

Featured Project: Children With Wands, a TTRPG full of magical chaos!

We often think of bursting into a scene with full power as being better in tabletop RPGs, but… that’s not always the case! Children With Wands challenges this in an amazing fun and creative way as they try to learn how to use their magical abilities… and sometime accidentally crank the volume up a bit too much (which just makes the story wonderfully chaotic). Find out more here and go check out the project!

*As a note, the intro is written by Steph from TTRPGkids, and the article was written by the project’s creator since content is in pre-release/crowdfunding. The article is edited/approved by TTRPGkids for the site

Children With Wands is a rules lite, cooperative, tabletop role playing game where you play as children who have just come into their magic. However, as children, they lack control over just how powerful the spells they cast are. This will often lead to some interesting problems, problems that you and your friends get to solve with more magic! When you want to cast a spell you roll a D20 to see how powerful your spell is, not how well you cast it. 

Bigger spells are not always better, and that’s fun!

To see how this works, let’s say the players are at a birthday party. One of the players wants to try to blow out their birthday candles on their cake with a wind spell. They are hoping to roll low on the dice, between a 1 and a 7, putting in just enough magic to blow out the candle. However, if they roll a 15 they may create a gale of wind so strong that it blows the cake away and ruins the party. 

But even if the worst happens and you do destroy that cake, it is not the end of the world. It is just now up to you and your friends to find a way to salvage that birthday party with just your spells and your wits. What could go wrong? Or more accurately, what else could go wrong? Every miscast spell creates new fun problems for the group to solve. 

Mechanics to push creativity, not crunch

When making your character, each character has access to 3 spells that are either selected from a sample list of 14 or players can create their own custom spells. Some of the sample spells include Pyrokinesis, Gravity Control, and Teleportation. The spells are general enough to give players room to explore them to find interesting and creative solutions to the problems the game presents them without overburdening them with complex mechanics.

Equipped with a Halloween quest!

Children With Wands will also come packaged with the prewritten adventure: Halloween in Fairhaven. It is Halloween morning in the idyllic coastal town of Fairhaven. The players will be tasked with finding a lost black cat, investigating the strange sounds coming from the docks, exploring a supposedly haunted mansion, and much more. 

There is also a beautiful illustration of the map of Fairhaven included in the book. 

Find Children With Wands here!

Children With Wands is recommended for children 10 and up, and the Kickstarter will launch mid November with some fun perks for early backers. 

Help this project be a magical success by signing up here for pre-launch!

Find art, videos, character sheets, and more on the official game website here! 

And pop over to here for a free beta test of the game that will be available until the Kickstarter launches!

Follow the project to support the creator and help this awesome game fund! And… if you liked this post, make sure to subscribe to the TTRPGkids monthly newsletter to stay up to date on the latest reviews, tips and tricks, game and podcast list updates, and more! Thank you for playing tabletop RPGs with your kids and sharing this awesome hobby with the next generation!

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