Ranger Mech Squad: A Solo or Group Park Ranger Journaling Game
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*physical copies available through DTRPG, digital copies available on itchio*
Our parks need your help!
Play as a park ranger, assisted by a set of helpful mechs, in completing your daily job… and handling challenges along the way! You’ll be facing everything from litter bugs and invasive species to rescuing lost hikers and dealing with forest fires… and you never know what each day will bring!

Work in solo mode or with a group to keep your park safe and balanced, help those in need, and take some time to enjoy nature.

Now, gear up because it’s time for you to join The Ranger Mech Squad!
Ranger Mech Squad is a solarpunk (nature-tech) tabletop RPG that focuses on teamwork, problem solving, and having non-violent fun while learning about the environment and real-world challenges. This game also includes a set of tools, aligned with the Classroom Ready TTRPG Toolkit, to help with integration in traditional learning environments.
Ranger Mech Squad does require some reading and understanding of cause and effect, however the content is appropriate for all ages and there’s no combat. This game is for 1-4 players plus an optional game guide.
Ranger Mech Squad runs on Caltrop Core, a rules-lite and easy to use mechanic developed by TitanomachyRPG.
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