TTRPGkids on Ludology Podcast, Episode 17: Using TTRPGs to teach math!
Ludology podcast is a discussion-based show about the hows and whys of tabletop games! They have longer form episodes every other week, and, on one of the off weeks each month, we have the TTRPGkids show! These shorter episodes will cover topics that are focused on tabletop RPGs for kids and youth, and I’m excited to share the link to the 17th episode here!
From puzzles to unique mechanics adjustments to incentivising running calculations… these are excellent tools for teaching applied mathematics, and I hope you can use this episode to find some clever ways to incorporate more maths into your games! Below the episode link, also check out some of my additional resources to go over during or after you give the episode a listen!

If you’re looking for some additional supporting material, check out my articles here that cover the topic in a bit more depth! Read along with this during or after listening to the episode to tap into more resources and/or have the information in a different format so you can learn in the way that works best for you.
- Using TTRPGs to Teach and Learn Math
- DIY AoE Aide + Geometry Lesson for Young Kids
- Review of Arithmagine (numeracy TTRPG by Luck of Legends)
I hope it helps, and happy gaming!
Thank you for tuning in, and… if you liked this episode and/or article and want to stay up-to-date for future podcast episodes, please subscribe to the TTRPGkids monthly newsletter to get a 1/month summary of the latest reviews, tips and tricks, game and podcast list updates, and more! Thank you for playing tabletop RPGs with your kids and sharing this awesome hobby with the next generation!