Where to find… physical copies of all ages TTRPGs!
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This page’s goal: locating easy places to find (and ship) lots of printed TTRPG books
The goal for this list is to help you find physical copies of some of the TTRPGs featured on the TTRPGkids site in easy to access locations like Indie Press Revolution, Tabletop Bookshelf, and DriveThruRPG where you can order a few books all in one spot! This is great for if you want to order gifts for someone or if you prefer print over digital copies and want to maybe save on shipping by ordering from one location.
What about games directly from the publisher?
There are A LOT of TTRPGs out there that you can get directly from the publisher by ordering on their site! However, I did not include them in this list because… there are just too many to keep track of, especially with everyone’s stores and stocks in constant flux (please believe me when I say I looked into it and just didn’t see a way to keep an up to date list).
To manage the scope, I’m keeping the list to larger hubs where you can order from lots of different creators. If you prefer to order directly from the publisher (which often will often help that creator get a larger margin of the profits), I highly recommend looking up the creator’s name to see if they have a shop where they sell physical copies of their TTRPGs directly.
Why is a certain physical print game not on the list?
I picked games for this list based on TTRPGs that I have reviewed or featured on the TTRPGkids site since I then can know, from my own judgements, that they fall into the fam-friendly category and can confidently showcase it.
There are also new TTRPGs coming out ALL THE TIME or it may originally release as digital only and then get a print release later, and sometimes, I don’t catch every single one. Keeping the list to games that I’ve reviewed allows me to follow up on one or two games at a time, as reviews are released, to update the list and make sure it’s a solid recommendation and that I’m sending you to the right place, but it won’t always be perfect, which leads to…
Recommendations and corrections to the tabletop RPG list:
If you have recommendations for additional TTRPGs to add or if you see a correction is needed, please contact me through the site’s contact form. I am happy to make updates and want all my information to be correct.
For recommendations, this list’s goal is to have tabletop RPGs (or game supplements) that were made for kids, teens, or all ages (i.e. with the intent of being accessible to both children and adults) versus games made for adults that one could say are OK for some kids and teens to play or that you have played with kids and teens. It also must be carried by one of the locations featured (IPR, Tabletop Bookshelf, DTRPG, or another larger hub that you recommend) in physical format for shipping. I am willing to branch out and will research all recommendations, but I am noting here in case something doesn’t ultimately end up on the list.
Now the lists of physical print TTRPGs for all ages!
The list here is broken into three main parts divided by the selling hub so you can click on links and open tabs as you like to find more information within one seller. I also have included a link to any TTRPGkids posts about that game, if you’d like to check out a review or feature for it before getting a copy, to see if it’s a good fit for you and your players. I hope it helps, and happy gaming!
Jump to TTRPGkids summary of physical print all ages TTRPGs from:
Physical print TTRPGs for all ages on DriveThruRPG/DM’s Guild
* The link on the game’s name will take you to the listing for the physical copy of the TTRPG, and the link in parentheses will take you to the review or feature on TTRPGkids
- Hero Kids (review)
- Amazing Tales (review)
- Magi Knights (review)
- The Mystery Business (review)
- The Long Road Home (review)
- A Gourmand’s Guide to Gastromancy (review)
- 10 Downing: A Mausritter Campaign (review)
- Kiwi Acres: A Mausritter Campaign (review)
- Movie Night (review)
- Burn 2d6 (review)
- Felt, Friendship, and Feelings (review)
- Michtim Fluffy Adventures (review)
- Draculola (feature)
- The Classroom Ready TTRPG Toolkit (by TTRPGkids)
Physical print TTRPGs for all ages on Tabletop Bookshelf
* The link on the game’s name will take you to the listing for the physical copy of the TTRPG, and the link in parentheses will take you to the review or feature on TTRPGkids
- Wyrmlings (review)
- The Librarian’s Apprentice (review)
- Fabula Ultima (review)
- Feathered Adventures (review)
- Bakers, Charge! (by TTRPGkids)
- Making a Tabletop RPG for YOUR Particular Kid (by TTRPGkids)
- (also check out their fam-friendly category)
Physical print TTRPGs for all ages on Indie Press Revolution
* The link on the game’s name will take you to the listing for the physical copy of the TTRPG, and the link in parentheses will take you to the review or feature on TTRPGkids
- Wyrmlings (review)
- The Librarian’s Apprentice (review)
- The Long Road Home (review)
- Inspirisles (review)
- Venture Society (review)
- Raccoon Sky Pirates (review)
- BFF! (review)
- Rolling With the Youth (review)
- Sprinkles is Missing (feature)
- Bard RPG (review)
- Cozy Companion (review)
- Teatime Adventures (review)
- Heckin Good Doggos (review)
- Bakers, Charge! (by TTRPGkids)
- Making a Tabletop RPG for YOUR Particular Kid (by TTRPGkids)
I hope these lists help you to find some awesome physical print TTRPGs to play with your kids, family, and friends, and… If you liked this post, make sure to subscribe to the TTRPGkids monthly newsletter to stay up to date on the latest reviews, tips and tricks, game and podcast list updates, and more! Thank you for playing tabletop RPGs with your kids and sharing this awesome hobby with the next generation!