TTRPGkids x TTEDU youtube – a chat on journaling RPGs for teaching and learning!

I sat down with Garrett from non-profit, Tabletop EDU, to talk about how journaling TTRPGs are particularly useful for teaching a learning applications! Check out our chat here!

Tabletop EDU is a non-profit organization devoted to using roleplaying games to help learners and educators alike! I did an interview with them in October about using journaling RPGs, and you can check it out here!

This was a great opportunity to do a deep dive into one particular genre of tabletop RPGs (versus talking about youth-focused TTRPGs in general). I hope you enjoy the show, and check out below the video for a list of some additional resources on TTRPGkids pertaining to journaling TTRPGs and EDU!

For some additional resources on journaling TTRPGs, check out these articles on the TTRPGkids site!

Here are reviews or features on some of the game mentioned in the show:

And… for some additional resources on educational TTRPGs, check ou the education category on TTRPGkids!

TTRPGkids educational resources section

Thank you for tuning in, and… if you liked this episode and/or article and want to stay up-to-date for future TTRPGkids episodes, please subscribe to the TTRPGkids monthly newsletter to get a 1/month summary of the latest reviewstips and tricksgame and podcast list updates, and more! Thank you for playing tabletop RPGs with your kids and sharing this awesome hobby with the next generation!

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