Pirate Themed Tabletop RPGs for Kids!
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Pirate themed TTPRGs for kids reviewed or featured on TTRPGkids
Amazing Tales

Amazing Tales is a very flexible tabletop RPG system that’s designed for kids and that comes with a ton of awesome adventures, including a whole section on oceanic exploration and sailing! This game allows combat but has less focus on fighting and more focus on exploration, building the adventure together, and tackling challenges with your skills. The high seas section of the adventures are great guides and wonderful stories to use for your own pirate-themed tales.
(find the TTRPGkids review of Amazing Tales here to get an idea of the system and the book’s stories)
Raccoon Sky Pirates

Raccoon Sky Pirates is a TTRPG full of chaos and trash pandas taking to the skies in search of the wondrous treasures just waiting to be plucked from the suburbs! With creative mechanics that push players to come at a problem with their character’s full personality, it’s great for getting into some creative trouble and having a blast (just hopefully not with the ship actually blasting) at any age.
(find the TTRPGkids review of Raccoon Sky Pirates here for a full game breakdown)
Cozy Companion: All Things Nautical

Cozy Companion is a magazine from Snowbright Studio that includes TTRPG adventures, project features, and activities for all ages (kids and adults can both enjoy) that all revolve around a particular theme for each issue! The third issue, which can be found here, is All Things Nautical and includes an educational timetraveling tabletop RPG adventure about pirates! The issue also has lots of tangentially related activities (like baking and science projects) that pair up with the adventure for extra fun.
(find the TTRPGkids review of Cozy Companion: All Things Nautical here to see what’s in the issue)
Hero Kids: Escape from the Ghost Pirates

Hero Kids is a TTRPG system and series of adventures that’s made to feel like a classic epic tabletop RPG in it’s combat and skill challenge mechanics but with a dice system that is much easier to learn and use for young players. One of their adventures, Escape from the Ghost Pirates, is all about fighting your way free from a ghost pirate ship! I played this particular adventure with my kiddo around when we first started trying out TTRPGs together, and he really enjoyed being able to face off with some scary (but not too scary) ghost pirate foes.
(see the TTRPGkids review here for more info on Hero Kids)
StoryGuider: Treasure Seeker Trilogy (by TTRPGkids)

The StoryGuider: Treasure Seeker Trilogy is a short TTRPG story trilogy that I made for pre-K kids to teach about social emotional skills, using maps, and getting used to making decisions within a story to prep for other, more complex, games later! It follows a choose-your-adventure style story system and was made to be played with kids ages 2-6.
Kid-friendly pirate TTPRGs that I want to check out
The games below are tabletop RPGs that I haven’t personally played yet but that have come recommended to me by others or that I found and would like to try out one day! I hope they help you find some more games to consider, and I look forward to one day moving them up to the reviewed/featured list above to give some more info on them!
Yarr! The Rules Lite Pirate RPG

Yarr! looked like a lot of fun from the description, and it says that it’s designed with a system streamlined for playing with kids but with enough weight to it for veteran players to stay engaged, which is what I like in a game (it keeps it fun for kids and grown ups).
Pirates of Pugmire

Pugmire has always seemed interesting (and adorable) to me, and, which researching for this list, I was really glad to see they had a high seas version of the game! I’m already thinking of a shaggy sea dog captain with a a first mate who’s a parrot (since they added bird characters to the game with this expansion) to play into some pirate-y tropes.
Ponyfinder: Ghost of the Pirate Queen

I’ve had a few people recommend Ponyfinder to me, and this is the adventure I’d want to play first if I got to check it out. Ghost of the Pirate Queen is a standalone adventure that’s made for the whole family to go on an epic quest in search of treasure!
Kid-friendly pirate TTRPGs recommended by others
For other recommendations, let me know what you’d recommend to check out! There’s a lot of TTRPGs out there, and I’m looking for ones that are specifically honing in on that all-ages friendly vibe or that are appropriate for younger players and that have a strong thematic focus centered around PIRATES! If you have a suggestion for a game to check out, let me know in the comments, fill out the form here, or email hello@TTRPGkids.com so I can take a look and add it to this section!
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