A Construct’s Nature by TTRPGkids is now live on Backerkit!
Visit the camapaign page here for more details, getting your copy, and supporting the project!
A machine imbued with life… and seeking a purpose
Born from a love of stories about robots, androids, and machines finding life and seeking meaning, A Construct’s Nature is a solo-journaling TTRPG following the path of a newly awakened being in an overgrown world sparked with magic.

This is a solo-journaling tabletop RPG, which means you’ll be playing as a character in a story that can go down multiple paths. While reading and playing along, you’ll be writing down your responses to prompts and skill checks (i.e. rolling a die or pulling cards from a deck) to determine where your particular story goes.
This is unique in that it feature an audio narrated slideshow that walks you through your journal prompts. As you click on choices in the slideshow, you’ll be zipped to the next slide where our storyteller, Rose Velorum, will be reading to you and setting the tone.
Throughout the story, you’ll make choices that open up certain paths or options… and close others.
Deciding on the order to complete tasks, what path to take, or how to approach and obstacle will have a meaningful impact to both how your stats function and what you discover about the world.
You’ll also meet NPCs that you can decide to leave behind or bring along. By making certain choices in the presence of your companions, you’ll impact their trust level, which affects the bonuses they offer and their willingness to follow you on your journey. Watch out, though, because making a move to increase the trust with one companion could decrease the trust of another… or have other unintended consequences.
The choices you make and the trust of your companions ultimately determines your story’s ending, and there are several endings, giving this game wonderful replay value.
The goal for this campaign is to raise funds to hire a voice actor and composer/SFX artist to add to the companion slides. If we hit the core goal plus some of the stretch goals, the slides will have full narration, music, and background sounds to accompany you on your journaling adventure.