REview of Stories Podcast RPG actual plays

Review of Stories RPG Podcast actual plays, as written by Dan of Almost Bedtime Theater

Stories RPG is a companion podcast to the Stories RPG game, providing a combination of actual plays, interviews, and storytelling advice to help kids and adults tell amazing stories together.

This article is a guest post written by Dan from Almost Bedtime Theater Podcast! Thank you Dan for writing this review and for sharing shows from other podcasters and creators!

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Stories RPG at a glance

Format: Stories RPG actual plays, writing/storytelling advice & interviews (30-60 minutes)
Cast: 2 to 4 adults
Language: PG
Themes: varies by story arc; ranges from fantasy adventures to superheroes to fun-loving goblins
Combat: varies by story arc: cartoonish if it occurs
Mood: varies by story arc; ranges from silly/wacky to thought-provoking

What is Stories RPG Podcast about?

The goal of Stories RPG Podcast is to help people of all ages tell amazing stories together. It was created by Michael Low of and Daniel Hinds of as the audio component of the Stories RPG game to give kids and their adults the opportunity to learn how to play by listening to adventures run using the system. To that end, they have recorded games across a variety of settings, including:

  • Starsworn: fantasy heroes with special powers
  • Gigacity Guardians: comic superheroes protecting their city
  • Partners in Grime: fun-loving goblins in the modern world
  • Luna Uni: techno-punk scientist kids in space

Over time, they’ve also incorporated “Write Light” episodes, which are a combination of writing / storytelling advice and interviews with creators of other story-focused tabletop role-playing games.

Who would Stories RPG Podcast be great for?

Content-wise, Stories RPG Podcast is family-friendly and great for all ages, as it was designed to be listened to by kids and adults together. If you’re looking for content to share with a younger listener (e.g., under 8), consider starting with the Starsworn arc. While still enjoyable for an adult listener, it’s directed at a younger audience than some of the other arcs.

The Write Light advice episodes are excellent for anyone interested in writing and creating stories, and the interviews are perfect for anyone interested in telling stories and creating tools and games to help others do so.

What is unique about Stories RPG Podcast?

The audience of Stories RPG Podcast is invited to play along with games unfolding on the show. For example, there is a coloring book / adventure module in which folks at home can take on the role of young superheroes learning to use their abilities and ultimately investigating a mystery that ties in to the events of the Gigacity Guardians actual play.

Much of that companion content has been previously covered on; links to those articles are available at the end of this review.

Favorite parts and episodes of Stories RPG Podcast

As a storyteller and game creator, I love the Write Light series. The “rules of writing” episodes are full of useful ideas and tips, and when it comes to the interview episodes, Michael is a passionate interviewer who has pulled in some of my favorite game creators. It’s excellent.

In the actual plays, everyone does a wonderful job of bringing the characters to life and delivering an entertaining story. I particularly enjoy the character creation / world building that occurs in the first episode of each arc, and – thus far – my favorite character is Ape Canaveral, the greatest of apes and vital member of the Gigacity Guardians.

Overall thoughts on Stories RPG Podcast

Stories RPG Podcast offers a unique opportunity to play along with a story, learning a game system and enjoying collaborative storytelling as you go. It’s a great listen for any aspiring storytellers.

Where to find Stories RPG Podcast

You can find all episodes, episode descriptions, and companion adventures at You can also listen to Stories RPG Podcast on Apple Podcast, Google Podcasts, and Spotify.

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Thank you Dan!

And again, thank you Dan for writing the review to share your XP with us! If you want to hear more from Dan, you can find more here:

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