TTRPGkids Guest of Honor at ConFusion (Michigan) Jan 19-21, 2024!
What is ConFusion?

ConFusion is a yearly Michigan sci-fi convention that’s been going on since 1974 (so 2024 makes it 50 years)! It has kid and teen tracks, lots of events, is LGBT friendly, and has been talked up to me by several fellow Michiganders who have been before!
This year’s theme is after Labyrinth (that one with David Bowie), and I’m excited to say that I’ve been asked to be part of the kid and teen convention tracks as the Young Adult Guest of Honor, representing TTRPGkids and Tattered Bear!
What events will TTRPGkids be doing?
There’s a whole list of events ranging from activities for kids, workshops for teens, and talks for grown ups that I’ll be doing through the whole weekend – Check out below for the list of all events that TTRPGkids is onboard for!

How do I attend ConFusion?
ConFusion is being held in Novi, MI, and details for the event will be posted on the ConFusion website, and on the ConFusion Facebook page. You can also pre-purchase tickets here through Yapsody.
Thank you to the ConFusion team for inviting me as a Guest of Honor, and I’m looking forward to being part of this awesome convention! Please feel free to reach out if you’d like to chat after a talk or say hi between events as well!
Thank you for checking out the TTRPGkids convention schedule, and I hope to see you there! If you’ll be stopping by and want to chat, you can let me know ahead of time by emailing me at, and, if you’d like to help support TTRPGkids, please check out my ko-fi page here! My current ko-fi goal is raising funds to publish my first book based on the work I’ve been doing on TTRPGkids! Thank you again, and see you around!