Loki and the Golden Locks: A Norse mythology inspired TTRPG adventure
Learn about Norse mythology as you and your adventuring party keep an eye on Loki while he makes up for one of his infamous pranks… just make sure that you don’t get fooled by this trickster along the way too!

This adventure was commissed from TTRPGkids by Lucky Newt Games and is posted on the Lucky Newt itchio page, which you can find here. It includes five scenes ranging from Thor and Sif’s wedding to the mines of Nidavellir, NPCs with descriptions of their roles in Norse mythology, and a story (plus hints at another) about some of Loki’s mischief.
The TTRPG story chosen was carefully picked to be one of the more all-ages friendly tales of Loki and has flexibility in how to handle challenges so that all players can enjoy and participate at the level they want.
I hope you enjoy the adventure, and check it out on Lucky Newt Games today!
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