Featured Project: Gratitude Guardians
*As a note, the intro is written by Steph from TTRPGkids, and the article was written by the project’s creator since content is in pre-release/crowdfunding and is edited/approved by TTRPGkids for the site

What is Gratitude Guardians?
Gratitude Guardians is a creative self-expression therapeutic tool, inspired by monster collecting card games that promotes positive thinking as well as the exploration and use of calming skills.
During the stresses of everyday life, it’s easy for both children and adults to feel lonely and overwhelmed. It’s difficult to remember to do the things that can help you feel better. Gratitude Guardians is designed to bridge that gap. By connecting both positive thinking and calming skills to an interest it helps remind their users to rely on their skills when needed.
Gratitude Guardians is useable by the whole family, elementary school through retirement. Since the cards and Guardians are created by their user, they can be shaped to match the users needs and interests. Creation starts with a table where the user rolls for size, number of legs, accessories, style and power, though interpretation is up to the designer.

The Skills
Each Guardian then has 3 calming skills. Calming skills are an important part of emotional regulation but can be difficult to remember to use during times of high stress. The first skill is a breathing skill, deep breathing is a great way to calm both mind and body. Each power type has its own breathing skill for the Guardians user to learn and try. Next is a custom skill, everyone has different needs. Custom skills allow the user to get more sensory input, remove themself, or focus on an activity they know calms them. There are suggestions of skills and ideas for how to name a favorite skill to match their Guardian’s power. The last skill is a safe place skill. Even when the user can’t leave a negative space it’s important to have a mental safe space they can retreat it for a break. Those spaces are also themed around the Guardian’s power. Since the skills match the Guardian’s power, the more Guardians you roll and create the more skills you get to explore. Once Guardians are designed, they are summoned to the user by statements of gratitude.

Why Gratitude?
Focusing on gratitude, things the user can say “I’m happy” to have, helps increase positive emotions. It is a foundation for changing negative thoughts into positive ones. Changing how a situation is thought about can influence both emotions and actions for the positive.
What’s Included
Included in the download is character creation information, information about the calming skills and their benefits as well as 4 double sided printable cards.

Find a copy of Gratitude Guardians and more!
You can find Gratitude Guardians and more at TheraPLAYtic, it’s not just therapeutic its theraPLAYtic. Currently located on Ko-Fi at https://ko-fi.com/theraplaytic.
You can join the Gratitude Guardians community on Facebook and Instagram to watch how to videos, get ideas, and share your own creations.
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