TTRPGkids recap of GrandCon 9!

Jump to:
- Panel audio and links
- Saying hello to awesome people!
- TTRPGkids first convention booth
- Where to find TTRPGkids next!
The Benefits of Family Gaming – panel audio and links

One of my biggest highlights of GrandCon was getting to do a panel with the folks from Our Family Plays Games! I got to meet Starla, Mik, and Grant, (who run an awesome youtube channel about the games they play as a family, do a ton of outreach in the community, and are generally amazing people), and we were all able to connect with the wonderful audience at GrandCon to chat about how board games and TTRPGs have helped our families! Check out the audio below, and find links to Our Family Plays Games and some TTRPGkids resources here!
Our Family Plays Games website
Our Family Plays Games linktree
TTRPGkids article: How TTRPGs have helped my 5yo and me
Audio from panel:
Saying hello to some awesome people!
While at GrandCon, I got to say hi to some existing friends and met some new individuals who I’m glad to now know!

- Our Family Plays Games (see above, and they are AWESOME)
- 9th Level Games (we’ve been running into each other at conventions all summer!)
- Jaclyn (Rolling With the Youth and Young Dragon Slayers)
- Jon Gilmore (known for many many games, including Kids on Bikes RPG)
- Pete Petrusha (CHEW!, IPR, and much more)
I also got to see the work of many friends highlighted at the convention, even if they weren’t there in person, and came across some other kid-friendly TTRPGs that I really want to check out! Particularly at the Indie Press Revolution booth, I got to see:
- Inspirisles
- Heckin’ Good Doggos
- Baby Bestiary
- Fabula Ultima
- Ryuutama
- Wanderhome
- The Good Ol’ Days

The first TTRPGkids convention booth!
GrandCon 9 also marks the first ever convention booth that TTRPGkids has run! With some help from my partner, we were able to chat with a whole bunch of convention-goers, had a coloring table set up for kids (and helped them make buttons from many of their coloring creations), and were able to highlight both TTRPGkids and several other kid-friendly creators!
I had cards, links, and/or buttons from Almost Bedtime Theater, Dungeon Alchemist, Little But Fierce, and Young Dragon Slayers, books from Dice Up Games, and coloring sheets from the StoryGuider games that I’ve made! It was a great experience getting to talk to so many families, teachers, and generally interested persons about everything that’s going on with kid-focused TTRPGs!

And of course, going to a gaming convention, we had to find some time to try out a few games! My partner and I were able to catch some breaks and stay for a few evening games (after the vendor section shut down) to check out:
- Starfinder: Skitter Shot
- Wandering Towers
- Tokaido
- a pre-release of Hello Kitty: Day at the Park
- a playtest for The Little Game Master TTRPG
They were all great, and, having a better gage on the time and commitments for vending, I’m looking forward to coming back next year and balancing the schedule to try out even more!
Where to find TTRPGkids next!
Next up, TTRPGkids is going to the Walled Lake, MI City Corn Roast on Sept 9 and is then getting ready for U-CON gaming convention (and maybe also Motor City Comic Con) in November! If you’re in the southeast Michigan area, stop by one of these events and come say hi!

Thank you for playing tabletop RPGs with your kids and helping to bring this fun hobby to the next generation! Keep up to date on new reviews, games, and articles with the TTRPGkids monthly newsletter, and please also let me know in the comments or by email if you have any questions or plan on attending the convention and talk! To find out more about the sponsor at the top of the page who are helping to keep TTRPGkids rolling, please check out the sponsor page here!
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