TTRPGkids archive dive – Looking back on March 2022
Reviews for 4 games from Tiny Tome, a review for Overgrown, AND a review for Babies and Broadswords!

In March 2022, I reviewed 4 games from the Tiny Tome anthology, including: 5 Second Rule, Troublesome Tots, Omotenashi, and Trash Bandits! These are all games that fit on 1-page and that could easily play with my kid! I also reviewed Overgrown, a nature-punk tabletop RPG that is all about evolving your hybrid animal character – many shenanigans were had as we faced flying sharks and a chicken dragon! I also got to play Babies and Broadswords with the team who created the game! We quested through the orphanage with our monstery toddler characters and defeated the dreaded toilet monster!
Interview with Martin from Daddy Rolled a 1 blog
I also got to sit down with a good friend from twitter, Martin, author of the Daddy Rolled a 1 blog! We talked about his experiences in tabletop RPGs (and even getting to work with Wizards of the Coast!) and chatted about the D&D games that he runs for his tween daughter and her friends!
List of D&D 5e games and supplements for kids
I kicked off my list of D&D 5e games and supplements for kids in March as well, and it has been really popular in helping everyone, but particularly parents, find games to run with their kids!
Release of The Wizard in Training trilogy, The Rune Warrior’s Tale, and EnerGeodes!

I got busy releasing games in March too – The Wizard in Training trilogy was the last full trilogy in the StoryGuider curriculum set, closing out our 30 weeks of pre-K tabletop RPGs. After that, I wrote the Rune Warrior’s Tale in collaboration with Family Fantasy RPG to create a backstory for one of their main characters and raise money for a charity! The 5 Second Rule Jam gave me an opportunity to come up with EnerGeodes too – it’s an all ages tabletop RPG about rock collecting and super powers!
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