Camping TTRPGs

7 spectacular camping and scouts themed tabletop RPGs!

Check out this list of tabletop RPGs that capture that cozy outdoors vibe and adventurous spirit of camping and scouting!

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Jump to: THE LIST of camping and scout themed tabletop RPGs!

The purpose of TTRPGkids is to help you bring quality tabletop RPGs (from indie games to D&D) to your kids!

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Finding tabletop RPGs that capture the vibe of camping and scouts

I started seeing a lot of cool camping and scouts themed tabletop RPGs pop up and have loved trying them out with my kid. They’ve gotten him excited to try scouts once he’s old enough, and they’ve been a great throwback to camping trips I went on growing up and my time in scouts. So, this list consists of tabletop RPGs that have that outdoorsy cozy camp feel for you to use at home, on a camping trip, at a scout meet, or anywhere!

I’m hoping this help parents, teachers, caregivers, and anyone wanting to share some adventures focused on camping and scouting with their kids, but, with that in mind, I also know that everyone is different.  I did my best to sort through the games here so you can have an easier time reviewing and picking some options that will work for your particular players without having to search around, but please do make sure to check the games yourself to see how they will fit you and your particular players’ needs.

Suggestions for adding to this scout and camping themed tabletop RPGs list

If you have a recommendation for a game to add, please let me know through the TTRPGkids contact form so I can consider adding it to this list or my big game list!  I’ll be adding to this list as I come across more games, so stay tuned! For recommendations, I’m looking for games that are set at a campground, involve scouts, or give off a general camping/scouting vibe that are geared at kids or are intended for all-ages as they are currently published.

Nature stories curated list by TechieSkittles to keep the adventure rolling

To fill in the time between games and keep with the outdoors-vibe, check out this awesome Nature Stories list, curated by TechieSkittles, to go along with these games! This list includes various media (books, TV shows, and podcasts) all with an outdoorsy theme and appropriate for kids so you all can keep the adventure going! Thank you TechieSkittles!

List of camping and scout themed tabletop RPGs!

For smaller screens: Make sure to scroll right to get all the information on these kid-friendly tabletop RPG podcasts !
GameAgeFind a copyTTRPGkids postsPrimary mechanic
Whither and Whence4+itchioreview1d6
Good Natureall agesDriveThrureviewd6 system
Venture Societyall ageskickstarterfeatured projectd10 system
Cryptid Creeks8+kickstarterreview
featured project
Banda's Groveall agesgame websiteFeatured Project!no dice
Glyfi Scoutsall agesitchioPublished by TTRPGkids!printable tokens
Energeodesall agesitchioPublished by TTRPGkids!3d6
WyrdScoutsall agesDriveThrud10 system
Fireside diceall agesgame websitecustom dice
Campers?! In the Sacredwoods?8+itchio

Thank you for playing tabletop RPGs with your kids and helping to bring this fun hobby to the next generation! Keep up to date on new reviews, games, and articles with the TTRPGkids monthly newsletter, and please also let me know in the comments if you have feedback on the site or this has helped you in some way!

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