Thank you TTRPGkids sponsors!
Jaclyn Lewis

Jaclyn Lewis is a writer, game master, and youth worker. She’s the Social-Media Manager at Tabletop Gaymers, Fulfillment Director at Rem Alternis Productions, writer of Rolling with the Youth, and founder & GM of two youth TTRPG programs in Kalamazoo. She enjoys crafting words, gifts, and community, and can be found on the internet and at conventions of all sorts in the Midwest and beyond.
Family Fantasy RPG

Our aim is to introduce tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs) to children in an exciting and engaging way in order to promote problem solving, imagination, and creativity. Our games are age-tiered for children 3 and up, and is loosely based on the 5e rules used in the most popular TTRPG systems. Also, check out the TTRPGkids reviews of some of the Family Fantasy RPG games, Fairies of the Mistglade and Dino Riderz (they are a lot of fun)!
DC Bradshaw

DC Bradshaw has written Little but Fierce, Shrewmanji, and much more! He is a staunch supporter of others in the TTRPG community and has collaborated on other projects, like the Little but Fierce expansion for Mara. Thank you for helping keep the site going! You can find DC Bradshaw on twitter or through his projects (linked above)!
Michael Low

Michael is a teacher, parent, story-teller, and game designer who focuses on teaching through non-violent gaming in his classes on Luck of Legends. He wrote Stories RPG and Starsworn along with several other amazing games, helped create the Stories Podcast show, Gigacity Guardians, and has been an awesome friend to TTRPGkids! You can find Michael on twitter or Luck of Legends!
Hatchling Games

Hatchlings Games is a family-friendly publisher best known for creating INSPIRISLES, the first tabletop RPG to teach sign language! Hatchling Games is also working on a number of other family-friendly projects, like Cryptid Creeks, and has been a great friend to TTRPGkids since this site started!
The Kid’s Table

The Kid’s Table D&D is a family-friendly TTRPG web show featuring kids playing, learning the game, and going on adventures! They also post some great tips and ideas for running your own games and are a supporter of the TTRPGkids fam-friendly podcast page, helping others to find TTRPG podcasts to listen to together.
To find out how to become a TTRPGkids sponsor yourself, check out the TTRPGkids ko-fi here!
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