TTRPGkids archive dive – Looking back on October 2021

Reviews: DnD Adventure Club and Roll Dice, Build Character!
Back in October 2021, I reviewed DnD Adventure Club, which is an awesome rules-lite spin on D&D that comes with a new adventure every month! I also reviewed Roll Dice, Build Character, which is a great book for anyone with questions about how, why, and if to start tabletop RPGs with your kids!
Interview with Nick from Raised on DnD podcast!
I also had the opportunity to sit down and chat with Nick from Raised on DnD podcast! Raised on DnD podcast is all about people who have grown up with D&D or are using tabletop RPGs with with kids. We talked about Nick’s experience introducing his family to tabletop RPGs and talked about how he started the podcast.

Creating a setting for kids and sweets + treats for the game table!

I also released an article about how to create an awesome tabletop RPG setting for your kids that will keep them engaged and enthusiastic about the game you’re playing together. AND… with Halloween and all, I also wrote a post about some cool treats that you can bring to the game table! From chocolate minis to candy dice, there’s a lot of different treats to try, and I’ve updated all my links, so they lead to the most recent cool stuff to check out!
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