TTRPGkids archive dive – Looking back on July 2021
Game reviews: Warrior Princess and Milky Monsters

Last July, my family was trying out Warrior Princess and Milky Monsters, both of which translated really well to playing with my kid. Warrior Princess gave us some awesome adventures collecting pieces to a Halloween party present, and Milky Monsters lead us on an underwater hide-and-seek game with a sea creature! Both are great tabletop RPGs that helped create a lot of the foundation that I built my TTRPG-time with my kid upon.
Family-friendly tabletop RPG podcast list launch:
July marks the anniversary of the family-friendly tabletop RPG podcast list! This has been one of my most popular pages, showing that there’s a lot of people looking for family-friendly and kid-focused TTRPG podcasts to listen to with each other! I’ve gotten a lot of feedback about how TTRPG podcasts are a great way to introduce kids to RP focused games so they know what to expect, and I am glad to see so many people looking for this!
Interview with Redwyrm, father of a 4 year old D&D DM:

I also got the opportunity to sit down with Redwyrm, father of a 4 year old D&D DM, for a chat about how he got started playing tabletop RPGs and how he introduced his kid to TTRGPs! We talked about all the amazing growth and connection that comes from playing TTRPGs with your kids, and it was pleasure to get to chat and share these experiences.
Feature on how tabletop RPG’s have helped my kid and me:
I shared my experiences to, going over how tabletop RPGs have helped my kid (from ages 2.5 – 3 years old) and me to learn, grow, and bond as we went on this journey together. Everything from practicing math skills and seeing a huge jump in speech development to developing social-emotional skills to just finding a space to enjoy our time together has been a wonderful adventure that I’m glad I started with my kid.

And that’s our July 2021 summary! I’ve got lots to post for August 2022 now, and I’ll see you around! If you’re finding the blog helpful or have any suggestions for articles, please let me know below in the comments, and make sure to subscribe to the TTRPGkids monthly newsletter to stay up to date on the latest reviews, tips and tricks, game and podcast list updates, and more! Thank you for playing tabletop RPGs with your kids and sharing this awesome hobby with the next generation!