TTRPGkids Archive Dive – Looking back on June 2021!
Game reviews: Hero Kids and Brave Bunnies
Last year in June, I was really ramping up trying out some new games with Hero Kids (loved the character customizations and easy action) and Brave Bunnies (we had such a cute story and loved rolling all those dice)! Kiddo and I were focusing on learning to count a bit more, moving characters on a map, and continuing with our storytelling.
Interactive Storytime and StoryGuider Launch
Regarding storytelling, I also released a tips and tricks article about Interactive Storytime as a good starting point for bringing your kids into TTRPG’s by focusing on establishing a base for RP. This was also closely followed by the launch of StoryGuider, which is based on Interactive Storytime!
When I launched StoryGuider last year, I had planned on making a template and maybe a few adventures, but it ended up growing! After working with a pre-K curriculum, we have 30 StoryGuider games now in 1 year.

Interview with Rich from Hatchling Games
I also sat down for an interview with Rich from Hatchling Games to talk about Inspirisles! I had chatted with Rich on twitter and twitch a bit, and this also really kicked off us working together on more and more – since this interview, I’ve played and reviewed Inspirisles and was invited by Rich to be a guest writer for Overisles. Rich and I are also working on a bunch of other projects together – so stay tuned!

Dice and dice alternatives for better accessibility
Capping off June 2021, I had also released an article about some dice alternatives you can make at home (from a roller made out of a recycled cylindrical container to using cards) and some suggestions for kid-friendly dice (we still love our giant inflatable dice even though kiddo CAN really use the little ones now). Both of these should help if you have little ones in the house who shouldn’t have small objects or for people who maybe have a hard time using regular dice because the numbers are too small or they’re hard to pick up! The goal here is helping with accessibility, and I hope these suggestions aid in that.

And that’s it for the June 2021 summary! I’ll get back to posting my new materials for July 2022 now, and I’ll see you around! If you’re finding the blog helpful or have any suggestions for articles, please let me know below in the comments!